Seasons in the Sun


When it comes to autumn at Casa Klein, we continue unabashedly with the many outdoor activities. And the normally hot and dry autumn weather is one of the really good benefits of living in southern Spain. We start again on some longer trips in the local area, and our very own Tour Guide, Rufus, is getting ready to take the wheelchair band, as we call them, on full-day trips again.

We visit museums, zoos, shopping centers, restaurants and discover the small towns – and it has happened on several occasions that some of the locals look a bit puzzled as we come rolling through streets and alleys with high spirits. You are tempted to think they are thinking: You are not quite normal, you guys from Casa Klein. We probably aren’t either, but where there is will – there is a way.


Winter in southern Spain offers a bit of everything. It is a kind of 4 seasons in one where warm, cool weather, rain and a little wind can easily replace each other. In general, however, the mild winter climate is one of the main reasons why people choose to stay with us for longer or shorter periods. And fortunately, the good days are long overdue in winter.

Flowers, shrubs and trees have a very special place in our hearts at CASA KLEIN. We have hundreds of different species in our large garden that bloom all year round – and at the same time, we also have a real BONSAI GARDEN.

[Bonsai is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese word penzai or originally: penjing. (“Landscape on hill”). It is a cultivation method that creates dwarf growth in woody plants. It is actually an ancient Chinese art form, which involves planting small trees in bowls and then pruning and shaping them over a number of years. ]

In fact, our oldest resident at Casa Klein is an Olive Bonsai of 140 years.


With us the garden furniture is out all year, so one of the most common signs that spring has announced its arrival, namely that the garden furniture that comes out is not the way we can distinguish between winter and spring. We can see it more closely on the dress and on the size of the smiles getting a roof up. Lightweight jackets and small knitwear are found, often as early as February, and guests find small hooks where they sit and enjoy the warm rays of the spring sun. Every Wednesday there is an excursion for those who want to. It is a firm tradition. And especially when the flora starts to go out of the den, there is a great desire to go and see that everything bursts into bloom and colors.


When summer arrives at the Senior Hotel CASA KLEIN, we automatically begin to draw in the shade under the umbrellas, or settle in under the covered terraces to find coolness. For some, the heat is particularly harsh, so they mostly choose to stay indoors where there is air conditioning, but even though the temperatures are high in July and August, the activity level and the circadian rhythm remain almost always the same. An extremely popular area is our outdoor swimming pool, and some of our regular residents swim up to 25-30 courses before the first meal of the day. A healthy soul in a healthy body also applies to the elderly.